Crash Course

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Getting Started: A crash course in the Earthborne United ARG

The World

The year is 2276.

Humanity has spread across the universe, colonizing other planets with the advent of ‘slipspace’ technology. The most notable of these planets are the members of the Interplanetary Union, a conglomerate of thirteen worlds to facilitate peace and trade. Each of these worlds has been granted independence, with the one exception being Earth.

Horizon Industries, the company responsible for the discovery of slipspace technology, retains control over Earth’s government. It’s current president, John Sparrow, is the third member of the Sparrow family to both run Horizon as well as act as dictator of Earth.

Unsurprisingly, there are citizens of Earth who aren’t happy with this situation. Collectively these men and women go by the name of the Earthborne United. They are a group of rebels dedicated to helping Earth claim it’s independence from Horizon.

However, Earth has much of its contact with the other worlds censored or completely blocked off by Horizon. Because of this, receiving outside support has been next to impossible for the last 17 years.

In August of this year, citizens of the other planets began reaching out to the Earth, sending encrypted messages to let us know that we haven’t been forgotten, most notably being Akamu Hale and Darren Jones. Hopefully with their help, the people of Earth can finally be free of Horizon.

Current Events

There are two main plots to be followed.

Earthborne United

First and foremost, Adam Everest, the leader of the Earthborne United, has been arrested for treason. The date of his trial has come and gone and no word of the results has been heard, but it’s assumed he’s been found guilty and treason is punishable by death. The next two members in rank, Allison Archer and Adam’s brother Caile Everest have taken control of the resistance. Their primary goal seems to be freeing Adam, however other time sensitive missions take priority.

The most recent objective of the resistance was the Beyond the Horizon Festival. Allison broke into their headquarters during the festival in New York, making dead drops of whatever she could grab for other local members of the Earthborne United to pick up.

These documents resulted in the news that Adam was in fact executed by special order from Sparrow.

Atlas Station

The second plot revolves around a listening station on a remote planet named Atlas. A man named Ethan Covington, and employee of Horizon, was sent to operate this station for reasons we’re unclear on.

Much of what we’ve learned about this station has been through an AI named LISA. The AI can be spoken to through the Horizon industries contact email. Through our communications with LISA, we have been able to conclude that something else has been able to hack into her, and there is a very strong possibility that this something has connections to the listening station.

On October 10th, we received a tip in the form of transcripts of communications between the listening station and the project’s team on Earth stating that an incoming signal had been heard. This seemed to surprise the team at Horizon. Even more interesting, shortly after the signal was received a shuttle left the station only to disappear from all forms of radar and tracking methods. Based on the distance, the shuttle was expected to come out of slipspace some around the 14th of October.

The next expected transmission from the stations is due on October 18th.

Sites to check out

In game - A forum where the EBU discuss our plans and help solve puzzles. It's the primary way we communicate with Allison and Caile.

OOG - Unfiction Forum, where we discuss all things relevant to the resistance and Horizon a little more openly

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